Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Types of Security Seal Available In The Market

Terrorism, thefts, and tampering have increased with time. It is a top priority for all the transportation and storage companies to have the best security seals for proper protection. They are an effective tool to prevent and identify unauthorized access, robbery or vandalism. There are various types of seals for performing the best in certain situations and for various tasks. Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach to safety seals. There are many cable, bolt and Plastic Seal Manufacturer available in the market and we will be discussing it below.

Bolt Seal
It is another strong-security seal which is designed with a robust locking system. They have a self-locking system and do not require devices and are easy to set up. It has a steel bolt and a tamper-proof body part which is manually connected to form a seal. It can be customized with colors, print, and barcoding for extra security layers. They are ideal for trailer door latches, shipments, and containers.

Cable Seal
These are the durable seal which is used to seal the locked doors, valves, and other items that have a tiny opening in which the cable wire can be inserted. Different sizes of cable seal require different cable lengths, but therefore the excess length of the cable can be trimmed. These often come in different cable diameters, which is from 1.5 mm to 5 mm.

Plastic-Pull Seal
They come in a wider variety of strength and adjustable to match the needs of the companies. The plastic seal manufacturer uses it for sealing the hazardous waste, cash bags, vehicle doors, and fire extinguishers. It is a good option when you have various needs as they are very versatile.

Padlock Seal
These are relatively small and are very easy-to-use. Normally, they are used to avoid doors from opening. The wire padlock seals are suitable for securing drums and meters, while plastic ones are good for securing food and drinks, zipper bags, and first aid kits.
You can visit https://www.jhasindustries.com/ as they are the best cable, wire padlock, and plastic seal manufacturer. The buyers can also get them customized with their logo and serial numbers.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Different Types of Security Seal Types And Their Benefits

With rising crimes, cargo thefts, and incidents of tampering, product safety is a top priority for the storage and transportation of valuable goods. Security seals offer a powerful way to identify and prevent unauthorized access and attempts of burglary.

As with everything else, there's no one-size-fits-all strategy to purchase security seals. Under certain conditions and for distinctive tasks, there are diverse varieties of seals available that function flawlessly.

Here are different types of products available with the Security Seal Manufacturer and their essential benefits.

·        Bolt Seals: Bolt seals are exceptionally high-security seals equipped with a complicated locking mechanism. Also, these are self-locking kinds and hence, do not require any special device to install. Bolt seals comprise of a steel bolt, and a tamper-evident body part that is connected physically for forming a seal— These can also be configured for additional security by means of colouring, printing, and barcoding. Bolt Seals offer a perfect and tamper-proof taping for big vessels, trailer gate fasteners, and cross border consignments. These high-security seals are so sturdy that they cannot be taken off with the help of bolt cutter. 

·        Plastic seals- fixed-length: Fixed-length plastic seals are the most durable variant of plastic seals— their tearing strength ranges between 80-135lbs. As per the experts from the Security Seal Manufacturer unitsthese seals are known to function outstandingly well to protect truck shipment cargo. Fixed-length seals are also highly economical. So when the price is an issue, they are indeed the most affordable and the best options available out there. 

·        Plastic Seals- Pull tight:  Pull-tight seals are almost similar to fixed-length plastic seals in most of the aspects except that their range of breaking strengths is far more expansive. Further, they can be customized to fit specific requirements. 

Pull-tight seals can be used to secure hazardous waste, fire extinguishers, money bags, car doors, and more. When your sealing requirements are diverse, these flexible, customizable pull-tight plastic seals offer a reliable securing alternative.

·        Wire seals: Wire seals are much stronger than their plastic counterparts. Also, If the seal needs to pass and fit through small openings, they can be the ideal choice. 

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable Security Seal Manufacturer in your vicinity, visit us now at Jhasindustries.com.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why A Cable Seal Is The Right Security Measure You Need To Get For Your Transit Shipping

With cable seals, you get a high strength sealer when the wire seal and plastic seal can get cut open easily or if it cannot withstand the environment application lie extreme temperatures and physical impact. An adjustable Cable Seal can prevent and deter fast and easy opening by people that maliciously tamper with a seal. Cutting a cable seal needs a lot of strength and you cannot open these with common tools as one can do in the case of plastic or wire seals.

When you have to choose the right wire seal, it is important o get the right information about the seals from experts. This includes everything you require knowing about the appropriate length, size and the type of cable seal most suitable for your application.

Keep in mind that it is easier to bend thinner seals and longer cables. You can fit these in places where other seals can't reach. One can get a strong barrier for cutting or tampering, but there is also a need for a large amount of space for bending and locking these as these are strong and stiff.


Cable seals are used in different applications like tanks and tank truck valves, truck and container doors, hoppers, control panel and meter boxes. In general, a cable seal is used for tagging vehicles, machinery, high-value assets and storage containers. Cables seals are the right kind of alternatives for locks and secure closures which are not opened frequently or when the user does not want to monitor access to the keys.

The Right Material Choice

The aluminium body seals are a highly popular choice due to their resistance to corrosion and the capability for adding markings by lasers like barcodes and logotypes. Moreover, steel seals are highly popular s these have a stronger body and are highly durable which is stamped physically onto the steel. The stamped markings are limited to simple logotypes, numbers or letters. Various options are available for the lengths or the sizes of the cable seals can range from 6-72 inches. The cable diameters range between 1.5 mm and 4 mm.

For protecting international shipments, it is important to choose a seal meeting the current ISO standards. Reputable companies offer several types of cable seals complying with ISO 17712 and C-TPAT standards for high-quality seals.

With all kinds of seals, the right handling, control and good record keeping, as well as inspection, are some of the best practices. If you want to know more about a Cable Seal and are looking forward to buying the right ones, you can reach out to Jhas Industries.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Truck Seals | Things You Must Know About Security Seals For Your Cargo Transits

There are dozens of security seals and related products when it comes to having a Truck Seal for the safety of the transit of your cargo. However, the choice can be difficult for those who are inexperienced with finding the right seals. It can be daunting to find the right product.

However, it is imperative to understand the long term capabilities of the truck seal you want to purchase. The origin of the security seals used in cargo transits dates back to the ancient times of the pharaohs. In the modern context, you have two types of seals. These are the indicative seals and the barrier seals.

1.      Indicative seals: The indicative truck seals provide tamper evidence. However, these can be easily cut open or broken with light tools. These are also known as a tamper-evident seal.

2.      Barrier seals: These are high strength security seals that render tamper evidence in the form of a one- time lock for slowing down and deterring attempts of vandalism and theft. These can get opened only with the use of large tools. These also comprise of high-security seals which require resistance of specific level of pulls, crushing or bending.

Truck seals of the right ISO standards provide a great deal of security. But, one cannot solely rely on these if there are people who intend to cause harm to cargo and if they find access to the cargo.

However, the use of tamper-evident seals is a great way and technologies related to the same enhance the chances of detecting and preventing the loss while reducing the opportunity for the vandals. Getting a truck seal of highest standards is one of the must-have security measures.

Techniques To Maximise The Effectiveness of Seals

Various tricks and techniques are helping in security seals highly effective. You have to back these with personal responsibility and real consequences. The seal users must evaluate and find their measures for enhancing the seal’s worth. Read on further to know about some of the tricks and techniques which are worth-considering.

Ø  Layered technology:
In this procedure, various devices, security seals, tapes multiple matching labels and multiple tamper-evident seals are used.
You can also use enhance visual ID for adding a unique indicator or mark at the time of locking.
Segregated sealing, RFID tag and other identifiers may also be used.
Ø  Standard security seals: The use of alphanumeric combinations or colour combinations can also help introduce another layer of security. Custom marking or unique logos can be used for quick ID of source or content.
Ø  Vendor assisted programs: Site delivery and vendor inventory used by your vendor may be helpful. One also needs to take into account seal inspection and procedure for oversight and staff training. Post-use inspection by the vendor or independent lab is of great use.

You have to determine your requirements, choosing seals that physically fit the fixture to be sealed. The use of a manageable locking system is again helpful and you should consider both the cost as well as the availability of the tools while using the appropriate truck seal.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Your Guide To Purchasing Cable Locks

Cable locks and seals might not seem to have a great deal of importance but they do. Imagine a loaded truck reaching to its destination only to find out that it has lost half of its cargo due to lack of properly sealed doors. Or the embarrassment you’ll have to face when your purchaser finds empty cart when they are about to unload on the station.

So it’s obvious you cannot make without high-quality cable locks and seals. But what should you know before you buy cable locks? Continue reading to find out.

Ø  Cable locks vs other alternatives

This confuses many buyers – what type of security lock to buy? It depends on the type of cargo, mode of transport, and convenience.

  If you are transporting through rail car, most of the rail cars have overused doors that are impossible to lock with anything other than cable locks.
-      You might think of using bolt seals for trucks but it can end up causing a great deal of inconvenience if there is no bolt seal opener at the destination point.
-        Furthermore, in many cases (especially on road transportation), the cargo carrier needs to be checked at various stop points. In such cases, it’s better to carry multiple cable locks. It’s easier to cut open and secure again with a new one.

Ø  Pros of cable locks

-     Cable locks come in adjustable loop sizes. So you can easily use it to lock in vast scenarios, on various type of cargo, and on different types of transporting vehicles.
-     It is the most cost-effective option in the market. It might not be a great option in terms of safety from theft but it works best for safety from any sort of transportation hazard.

Ø  Things to consider while buying cable locks

-          Mostly used sizes for cable locks are of 3.5mm and 5mm.
-        The tensile strength should be a minimum of 10 KN to meet the industry standards.
-    Many security seal manufacturer also provides laser marked logo and serial number printing.

If you are looking for a security seal manufacturer that offer bulk purchase at great prices, look no further than JHAS industries, the leading name in the market with high-end brand clients.
Visit www.jhasindustries.com to know more.